June 11-12th, 2024

POLITO brings MIMIC-KeY results to the ETPN2024 European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine in Milan, Italy

May 22nd, 2024

MIMIC-KeY consortium was invited to participate to the EV-based EIC Cluster Meeting. New opportunities of collaboration and funding among key EV players (companies and EU funded projects) were discussed in Brussels

April 18-21st, 2024

POLITO participates in the Biennale Tech with the laboratory "Let's discover nanoparticles". Many curious and interested visitors "invaded" our laboratory.

Jan 15-17th, 2024

POLITO participates with a talk on ICONAN 2024. Click on the image for more details on the event.

January 11th, 2024

M30 general assembly in Milan @IRFMN

november 27-28, 2023

UU participates to NLSEV 6th annual meeting with a poster on "Identification of protein properties associated with prostate cancer EVs using machine learning". 

october 24-27, 2023

UU participates to MOVE Meeting in Malaga with a presentation on "Cell surface area as normalization factor to study prostate cancer EV targeting to specific cell types". 

SEPTember 13-15, 2023

POLITO participates in the 3rd EVIta Symposium, with the talk "Fully artificial extracellular vesicles: a biomimicking strategy towards effective theranostic tools in nanomedicine". Click on the image for more details on the event 

May 26th, 2023 

M24 general assembly in Eindhoven @TU/e

May 15-17th, 2023

SUPSI participates in GGMM 2023 - Young Modellers Conference in Toulouse with the talk "On the automatic optimization of lipid models in the Martini force field using SwarmCG". Click on the image for more details on the event.

feb 1-3, 2023

UU participates to ISEV workshop "QuantitatEVs: Multiscale analyses, from bulk to single vesicle".  Click on the image for the full program of the event

nov. 17-18th, 2022

UU participates to NLSEV 5th annual meeting with a poster on "Comparative study design to investigate bone-specific targeting of cancer cellderived extracellular vesicles"

November 11th, 2022

POLITO will open the lab to the general public showing EVs through fluorescence microscopy within Biennale Tecnologia. Click on the image for more details on the event.

October 26-28th, 2022

VHIR participates to 6th GEIVEX symposium in Santiago de Compostela with a poster on "In vivo loading of recombinant proteins into EVs for the treatment of lysosomal storage diseases. Click on the image for the full program of the event.

september 29-30th, 2022

POLITO participates to EVIta Connect Workshop

september 22nd, 2022

Successful first project technical review meeting

June 13th, 2022

M12 General Assembly

May 25-29th, 2022

UU and ONI participate to ISEV2022 annual meeting

January 10th, 2022

M6 General Assembly

SEPtember 7th, 2021

M3 techical review meeting

june 14th, 2021

Poliflash magazine writes about us, click on the image to view the article!

June 14th, 2021

KICK-OFF meeting

june 1st, 2021

Official website is online!